Getting closer to The Programmer.

Every human being is programmed with a desire to seek God and truth. Angels and saints will help us. Destructive spirits want our lives and souls invested in The fads and fallacies propounded and pushed by the other side. We are in a continual test.

The Programmer arranged for our tests to last as long as our souls are in our bodies. He “grades” us on how well we follow the Operating Instructions that Church and Scripture provide. If we believe in false gods, we pay at Judgment Day. That’s what Judgment Day is all about.

The falsity of fads and fallacies promoted by the other side is readily available for examination. The Holy Wireless Connector is available 24/7 to provide the wisdom to spot a lie. He has only to be asked.

Global Warming is such a lie. So are the various “carbon schemes” that accompany it. They are part of a larger lie that replaces worshipping The Programmer with the worship of things that He programmed.

Those who pay others to make up death-dealing lies are farthest from The Programmer. Those who intentionally profit from lies are almost as far away. The credulous souls who believe the lies are the big lump in the middle of the moral bell curve. If you watch them as they watch the “news”, you can see them nodding in agreement as one falsehood after another is injected into their minds.

After they’ve spent decades believing in lies, they simply lose the ability to think. It’s almost impossible, for instance for someone who used to believe in “Global freezing” and was quickly convinced to believe in “Global warming” to admit that he is a credulous tool. To preserve his intellectual self-respect, he stops thinking about getting closer to God.

For such people, interests in business, sports, drinking, collecting, and traveling keeps them distracted from the pain involved in examining the mass of errors in most of the things they believe.

It’s wrong for us to think of them as brainless fools. The fact is that they have a brain that they are afraid to use.

The poor souls are lost. Patiently explaining the basic tenets of Catholic Fundamentalism helps some of them. “God, you see, is a Programmer. He can program particles, compile them into systems and beings, and put them into motion. You are one of his free-will programs, and He wants you to use your free will to save your soul. You know He loves you because He doesn’t tell you complicated lies.”

We can encourage people to download the idea of God as The Programmer. It helps many to overcome the separation between them and He Who programmed all.
