Getting through the swarm

Getting through the swarm

of evil spirits that surrounds our own soul involves moving beyond them, bringing our lovingly programmed soul closer to He Who lovingly programmed it. Just as the queen bee, hidden deeply within the picture above, can get away from the swarm and fly off to a better place than an isolated branch, followed in her flight by the buzzing horde, so our own demons will try to follow us when we try to leave them behind.

“Remember all the good times we had?”, they, in the form of living thoughts call after us, plaintively. “Remember when we did such and such and so and so and loved every minute of it?”

When we put away childish things, much like the little boy or girl who, one day, puts his toy soldiers or her dolls away and never plays with them again, we grow closer to The Loving Programmer. But, we often see evidence of people who won’t put away their toys. Once in a while, we even see a bumper sticker that proudly proclaims “He Who Dies With the Most Toys Wins”. An obsession with toys indicates an obsession with programmed entities that makes movement toward The Loving Programmer more difficult than it has to be.

Politically, we see that this failure to mature reigns triumphant in the public sector. There, insatiable demands by legions of the selfish, who are as well-organized as they are greedy for greater pensions, salaries, and benefits, hurt their neighbors and destroy their nation. Those who are organized to forcibly take from, and impoverish, their own neighbors are too self-centered and short-sighted to comprehend how stunted their own spiritual and intellectual development is. We also see that their exaltation of their own desire for more allows the deadly sin of Greed to flourish, choking out the souls’ yearning for He Who brought them into being.

It’s very hard to get such people to understand that their perennial demands for “More!” indicate that their souls are in danger of being lost, along with hordes of like-minded people who join in the calls for “More!” Indeed, they have embraced endlessly convoluted fields of study to justify their beliefs, calling such dogmas “intellectual”, and, more bizarrely, “sensitive concerns for others”.

One is reminded that there have been rare examples of public servants able to rise above the temptation to legislate their own enrichment by self-dealing legislation, taxation, and regulation.

Once, John Jacob Astor tried to bribe Edward Gallatin. Mr. Gallatin resisted all of Astor’s temptations, telling him, finally, “Mr. Astor, I am a public servant, and it is my goal to die poor.”

Few other public servants have been able to escape the swarms of demons who’ve convinced most of them that the desire for “More!” trumps all other considerations and have found that taxing their friends and neighbors is the easiest way to get it. After a few generations, entire nations fall under the control of those who believe that it is right for them to prosper by devouring their neighbors.

Of all the political movements there have ever been, Democracy has allowed more souls to send themselves to hell than any.
