Getting with The Program

Imagine a man with a huge chain of grocery stores, each selling five or ten thousand different items. On his way home from work, he drives by a tiny lemonade stand run. “Isn’t that cute!” he says. Then, he sees that it is being run by his young child. He breaks into tears.

The Loving Programmer has written and downloaded The Creation Program. Within it are billions of human programs. Each of us has free will and makes various choices while making our way from conception to death. We small, human programs build ourselves little lemonade stands. Our loving Father sometimes cries with joy as he sees us working away.

Each of us human programs was written and downloaded in The Loving Programmer’s image. So, we humans can program simple things. We can even congratulate ourselves for thinking we’re so smart we don’t need God as we crank out our comparatively child-like programs that take form in our activities.

The Loving Programmer has watched humans do their own programming since Eve and Adam re-wrote their programs in The Garden. He watched as human programs got together and built the huge tower at Babel. He watches as every generation separate themselves into two groups.

Those who sufficiently believe and obey The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions may find that, when their mind and body is erased, that their soul, the essence around which each human program downloads itself, spends eternity in the presence of The Loving Programmer, up at Programming HQ.

What happens to the human programs who freely chose not to believe and obey The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions? The worst of them are endlessly, and agonizingly, corrupted by viruses forever.

What of the others? There are hints in the story of Lazarus and the rich man that their punishment is being sent to a place that eternally reflects the distance they chose to be from The Loving Father during their days in The Program.

Getting with The Program is important.
