Getting With The Program

Getting With The Program

It’s hard to explain how much happier we are when things make sense. Many of us have a hard time relating to God. All the words we use in our faith come from the Iron Age.

The prophets wrote in the Iron Age, Jesus lived in the Iron Age, and so did all our ancestors up to the 1800s. Many, like the Amish and Moslems, still live there. It is comfortable, but not realistic.

When we try to take Scripture seriously, we use minds formed by vocabularies that are, essentially, Iron Age. It’s hard to relate to the God of the Iron Age with minds filled with thoughts based on electron flow and control.
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Catholic Fundamentalism sets us free

Catholic Fundamentalism sets us free from that dichotomy. Now, we verbalize God as The Loving Programmer, One Who can program and download energies and particles. As we explore His ability to compile those programs into systems and beings, we move closer to Him. We get rid of the separation imposed by words and thoughts from earlier ages and see that we can be One with Him.

When we use the Catholic Fundamentalism terms, The Loving Programmer, The Program, and The Holy Wireless Connector to think of the three persons of the Triune God, we’re coming home in a whole, new way.

Thanks for learning how getting with the program can help you with your walk with God brought to you by Catholic Fundamentalism.


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