The Gift of Discernment

We are in such desperate need of discernment that some describe it as a Gift of The Holy Spirit. Catholic Fundamentalists believe the Gift of Discernment can be downloaded into the human mind by the Holy Wireless Connector. As usual, we feel that some quantification thereof is possible, and offer these examples:

1. A person believes press releases and news stories based that blame toxic levels of poison in children on Alar found in apples. Such a person has not been given the Gift of Discernment.

2. A person reads news stories based on press releases from a “climate” organization. As a result, he believes that the world is warming dangerously, and our future well-being is threatened. Such a person has not been given the Gift of Discernment.

3. A person is made aware of a famous actress who has adopted several children from a poor, foreign country. She has done so “to make the world a better place”. Believing such press releases is not indicative of having received the Gift of Discernment.

4. Information is made available about a new automotive add-on that greatly increases gas mileage. Those who believe it will do so, especially to the point that they will endeavor to purchase the new device, have not been given the Gift of Discernment.

5. Political leaders inform us that taxes must be raised, services cut, new programs put in place, and then things will be “better and fairer”. Those who believe such proclamations have not received the Gift of Discernment.

6. A type of food is mentioned on several TV shows and written about in newspapers and magazines in a short period of a week. It is said that eating it, or rubbing it on our skin, will cause us to either lose weight, wrinkles, or cleanse our minds and bodies of dangerous dead cells, poisons, and pollutants. Such things are believed by those without the Gift of Discernment.

7. It is promised that a “prudent investment” in a particular stock, mineral, option, currency, or real estate is sure to “pay huge dividends, quickly and without risk”. Again, those without the Gift of Discernment are likely to make such an investment the most quickly.

One of the biggest mistakes made is that people without the Gift of Discernment would like to have it. It is universally available, but some prefer ignorance to knowledge, lies to truth, and their own wills to God’s. The biggest thing they never discern is that willful mistakes lead to eternal pain.

There is not a day, an hour, or a minute that we do not need the Gift of Discernment. We can only get it by recognizing that there is a truth, and that awareness of it is provided by God, through The Holy Wireless Connector. In order to receive, we have but to ask.
