When we’re giving thanks today,

When we’re giving thanks today, we should be grateful to The Programmer for programming our own souls. After thanking Him for having programmed a living, self-knowing being with the possibility of drawing closer to Him within His vast Creation Program, we may consider that none of us has any abilities that He did not give us. Thanksgiving is one of the 365 and a quarter days of the year that we should thank Him for having given us our lives, our abilities, and all we’ve made of them.

We should also thank Him for not being angry with us for not doing more. One of the best things about worshipping He Who came and lived among us is that our God understands how weak we are. Our sloth, both individually and collectively, is appalling. Worse, when we let ourselves think about how much more we could have done, but didn’t, it’s easy to get depressed.

For that reason, we should be thankful for whatever time we have remaining. Our past sloth is only useful when used as a spur, driving us to do more with the time remaining so that we can have the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”, reverberating in our souls forever as we eternally praise He Who wants the best for each of us.

Another thing for which we may give thanks

is having been given the ability to understand, identify, and refuse to be taken in by frauds. We may be especially grateful for the wonders of the Global Warming Fraud. Now, from New Zealand to England, we are seeing what appears to be the biggest, most blatant scam in scientific history. Temperature records have been intentionally skewed, the entire “peer-reviewed” process has been shown to have been highly manipulated, people who wouldn’t go along with the fraud lost their jobs, and vast sums of money have been identified flowing to those who ran the fraud.

Some of us were able to identify the fraud as soon as it started, noticing immediately that the same “scientists” who had been committed to The Global Freezing Fraud had jumped onto a gravy train heading in precisely the opposite direction.

The poor fools with little intellectual acuity and less moral courage in every government, industrial, academic, and scientific organization believed in, supported, and profited from this remarkably complex fraud. The pitiful boobs are now easily identified, both on earth and in Heaven.

There, a Being with far more integrity and power than their precious “peer-reviews” will take will judge their souls. Pray that they have enough sense to ask forgiveness before that happens.

More importantly, pray that we who have been given the great gift of faith do not take self-righteous joy in our own intellectual and spiritual superiority. The grace to avoid such a grotesque pollution of self is a gift that God has kindly given us. We should thank Him for shepherding us, keeping us from giving in to such temptations, rather than pridefully taking credit for our perspicacity.

He may not pleased when we take delight in the damnation of the despicable. Or, He may not mind at all. “Tut-tut.”, He may be saying, while smiling broadly as He allows us to share the great joke with Him.
