When did “global warming” begin to be followed by “moron”?

“Global Warming” is often followed by “Moron” or “Morons”. The poor, deluded fools who make a living by any falsehood are doomed to lives based on lies. They are unhappy, miserable people who lie to, and steal from, their neighbors. Global Warmers are among the least sane, least honest people on the planet.

Recently, it was discovered that they had manipulated figures to “prove” that 1998 was the warmest year on record. The numbers, when corrected, show that 1934 was actually a little warmer than 1998. That, of course, prompted more lies and distortion because it’s hard to sell “global warming” when 1934 is warmer than any year between that and 2007.

Global Warming Morons are slightly brighter than the Global Freezing Morons whom they replaced. Those pitiful creatures had signed on to the alarm du jour a couple of decades ago, only to find there was no money in that lie. The lies with the greatest opportunity of profit were to be found in the Global Warming lies. Global Freezing, after all, required mining more coal, drilling for more oil, and, horror of horrors, building more nuclear generating plants. None of these offered any opportunities for the burgeoning Moron Community.

Global Warming gave them an excuse to stop all that, and more. The main loss of credibility did not come from science, but from the sheer “dumbness” of global warming’s most irrationally vocal supporters.

“Each person should only be allowed to use one square of toilet paper.” one of them announced.

Suddenly, the pitiful intellectual level of Global Warmers was seen clearly by all, and the word “moron” began to follow “global warming”.
