Global Warming’s Been Thrown Under the Bus

In the past few days both the New York Times and Newsweek have backed off their pro-Global Warming stance. Suddenly, their editors are allowing questions about the “science” to appear. All at once, the skeptics have attained a certain amount of credibility.

For the first time since the fraud began, over a decade ago, two important, reliable fraud mouthpieces have been told to “Cool it.” Others will shortly follow, and the supporters of Global Warming will be left high and dry if they aren’t quick and clever enough to hang on as the band wagon changes direction. (One is always reminded of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist, who was initially puzzled when not one news media outlet spoke with him after he became pro-life. The poor man, like so many others, did not understand that “reporters” are as directed as puppets.)

So, the people who tell the publishers what to publish have announced a high-level change in direction. Have they seen the economic damage they are doing to themselves by replacing intelligent sources of power, like nuclear energy and coal, with unworkable gizmos that have been repeatedly proven not to work? Have they suddenly started to worry about what’s best for their country? Did they get enough religion to be fearful about the consequences of bearing false witness?

At any rate, there’s been a sea-change regarding the truth and science of global warming and the temporarily profitable energy supplies related to it. Catholic Fundamentalists believe that such delusions all part of The Program. We feel that God allows people to invent and embrace mindless frauds to justify stealing from their neighbors in order to let the goats separate themselves from the sheep.
