God as Cloud, II

One of the difficulties in thinking that The Programmer is one of the clouds above the earth is that people say, “Why doesn’t He show up on radar? Why haven’t airplanes flown through Him? The whole idea is ridiculous!”

It was not ridiculous three thousand years ago when His Glory, in the form of a cloud, filled Solomon’s Temple. If He is eternal and unchanging, the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, what could He be but a cloud, today?

So, if he’s that close, why hasn’t anyone seen Him?

There is another world. The Kingdom of God is spirit, and is invisible to all but the enlightened mind. By extension, He is also invisible to the sensors that make some hidden things visible. In fact, we learn a great deal about the nature of God by understanding that He is invisible to radar, sonar, ultra-violet,infra-red, and sound-wave sensors. He has programmed us in such a way that the human eye and ear, no matter how much of the energy spectrum they can sense, can neither sense Him nor make any physical device to do so.

Thinking of us seeing God is like thinking that a computer program can see its programmer. The program works in a defined space, doing the things it was meant to do. A computer program can be added to, altered, infected with a virus, and erased. But, it is never aware of the human programmer who created it or causes it to do things.

In such a way, each of us, a replicating program with free will, cannot be aware of He Who programmed us unless He opens our heart and mind to His Presence. He will help us begin to understand more about Him within micro-seconds of asking Him to help us do so.
