Does God Have Our Governments Run by the Insane? If so, Why?

When we look at the incredible deficit spending that’s bankrupting the formerly Christian countries of Europe, it can accurately be described as “insane”. Examining the case for Global Warming, in light of this very day’s temperature reports, the lowest readings in 140 years in Scandinavia and the lowest in England in a hundred, we can call policies designed to “Stop Global Warming” as insane.

As we see both with government science and government economics, policies are put in place that make absolutely no sense. Any word synonymous with “crazy” applies.

So, we explore history and theology to see if there is any system, anywhere, in which such irrational, destructive practices make sense. We find that Hell is such a place. The regions below are based on hurting human souls. We clearly see that a lesser degree of the same destruction, confusion, and chaos that reigns in Hell also rules our earthly governments.

Catholic Fundamentalists see this as a clear warning: “You are correct to examine fiscal policies and understand that your governments are destructively insane. This is God’s will. He allows this as a warning: just as your demonic governments are irrationally destroying your bodies politic, just so will your souls be ravaged more mercilessly by even more hateful demons in another place.”

And, the leader of the other side may like corrupt governments to get an idea of which human souls in each generation hate their neighbors the most. He would certainly like to have someone in charge of torturing souls who’d had a clear, public record of impoverishing families and ruining people’s lives. On the other hand, the way he loves betrayal, his favored civil servants and politicians here may be the most abused and tortured souls in his twisted realm.

Regardless of how such things work, the general viewpoint is correct: understanding how insane most government policies are is to get a hint of what awaits the souls who are lost.
