God has one scourge in His right hand and another in His left.

The Old Testament’s Books of Chronicles and Kings show that obedient, believing rulers brought good government and prosperity.  Bad rulers and immoral peoples brought moral, financial, and military disasters.  Rape, looting, deportation, enslavement, and slaughter was invariably visited upon those who chose to disbelieve and disobey.

Once, God used Syrians, Philistines, Babylonians, and Egyptians as the scourge He caused to fall on disobedient Jews.  He still uses those same peoples, lately under the umbrella of Mohammedanism, as a scourge to fall more painfully on  disobedient nations.  He holds that scourge in His right Hand.  God has one scourge in His right hand and another in His left.

His left hand holds the scourge of modernism;  the neighbor-hating collectivists who excessively worship liberty, equality, and fraternity.  When some nations need to be shown the error of their ways, extreme leftists are given the reins of power.  Terror, slave-labor camps, and wars follow.

No matter if it is the guillotines of the French revolutionaries unleashed by His left hand,  or the unsheathed scimitar in His right, His scourges fall where He wills.

The Mohammedan scourge in His right hand fell on the lands that were ruled by the Greek Orthodox Church.  Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Arabia are all in thrall to the Mohammedan scourge.  The Communist scourge in His left hand fell upon China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, and on all the peoples in similar  slavery.

God has one scourge in His right hand and another in His left.  The scourge in His left hand is lightening.  The powers of the left are waning.  As they do, the scourge in His right hand grows more frightening.  Europe is feeling the Mohammedan lashes.  North America can see it coming, and waits, helplessly, for it to fall.

What must we do to be saved?  The Roman Catholic Church is the only power on earth that can stop His scourge by reconciling us with God.  Only if The Church is allowed to guide the rulers of Christendom can His scourge be stopped.  As long as His Church is fractured by vain, self-righteous schismatics, no force on earth can withstand the scourges.  We must never forget:  God has one scourge in His right hand and another in His left.

There is proof of this in Scripture.   Today’s Reading, PS 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, includes:

“Ask of me and I will give you
the nations for an inheritance
and the ends of the earth for your possession.
You shall rule them with an iron rod;
You shall shatter them like an earthen dish.”
R. You are my Son; this day I have begotten you.
And now, O kings, give heed;
take warning, you rulers of the earth.
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice before Him;
with trembling rejoice.
R. You are my Son; this day I have begotten you.

 So, with His scourge, His “iron rod”, “Jesus shall rule them (the nations) with an iron rod, shatter them like an earthen dish.”

For nations to be saved, their rulers must  “Serve the Lord with fear . . .”  They can only do that as Catholics, uniting both Church and State in serving God.  We see the results of a divided Christianity in the Mohammedan ascendency.  “And now, O kings, give heed;  take warning, you rulers of the earth.”

If we all become Catholics, we can be saved.  Only a united Church, asking with one voice that He stay His hand, can bring about our deliverance.  Otherwise, we will be driven downward to the destruction that Christian schism must bring upon us.
God has one scourge in His right hand and another in His left.  Only Christian unity in The Roman Catholic Church can save us from both His scourges.
To disagree is to ignore the reality we see around us, now, and in the past.
