“God loves you. Give me some money.”


Does Protestantism boil down to “God loves you.  Give me some money.”?  We all like to be praised.  We all want to go to Heaven.  Many leave The Church Jesus Founded for praise combined with the promise of Heaven.

“Yes, you are divorcing your third spouse.  You are still a good person.  God loves you.  Give me some money.”

“You do not want to be bothered with another child.  I understand why you are using birth control methods that work by keeping the tiniest of your children, no bigger than a grain of sand, from living.  You are a good person.   God loves you.  Give me some money.”

“Of course you are living with your significant other.  You are, in the old-fashioned eyes of The Catholic Church, living in sin.  I know that you are a good person because you are doing what you believe is right.   God loves you.  Give me some money.”

“Of course it is wrong to have an affair.  But, we are all called to different types of love.  It is only natural.  You are a good person.  God loves you.  Give me some money.”

“Of course you do not want to have an abortion.  But, you sincerely feel it is ‘right’ for you.  You are a good person.  God loves you.  Give me some money.”

“Of course you feel guilty that your business forces you to be involved with things that hurt people.  Because you are aware of that, you are a good person.  You are providing for your own family.  God loves you.  Give me some money.”

“You are in a relationship that many disapprove.  Just because The Bible says something is wrong doesn’t make it wrong.  You are a good person.  Give me some money.”

“You do not want to be bothered with having to follow all those Catholic rules and regulations.  You strive to be a person doing what you sincerely feel is best.  You are a good person.  You have the right to think for yourself and make your own decisions about what is best for you!  Give me some money.”

We each make our choice.  We pay for it.
