God made Creation. Many prefer popular Marketing Plans.

.                  Catholics are blessed!  We do not let Marketing Plans lead us to disobey Any Words of Jesus Christ.


Question 1:  “Where does Creation come from?”

Answer:  “God Spoke Creation into Being with His Words.   We live in the echoes of His Words for light, land, water, air, movements, plants, and animals.   Then, He created people.   Since He made us ‘in His image’, we have Free Will.   We spend our lives deciding what is important to us.”


Question 2:  “When did the first Marketing Plan appear?”

Answer:  “The devil’s Marketing Plan is always the same.   He told Eve, ‘You can be as smart as God if you disobey Him and eat the ‘forbidden fruit’.  Adam liked that Marketing Plan, too!


Question 3:  “What did God do?”

Answer:  “He threw them out of The Garden of Eden after showing them how to make what they would need to survive in the ‘Godless world’ they had chosen.”


Question 4:  “What was the next Marketing Plan?”

Answer:  “Cain invented a simple, Vegetarian Marketing Plan.   Abel followed a more complicated Marketing Plan that used domesticated animals.   Cain was jealous because God preferred Abel’s  Marketing Plan‘If I kill Abel, God will have to like me more!’


Question 5:  “What happened?”

Answer:  “Adam’s children multiplied.  Soon, families became Tribes.  Tribes became people.  Fallen angels corrupted them.   God washed away everyone except Noah and his family in The First Flood.”


Question 6:  “Was there a ‘Flood’?”

Answer:  “There was a ‘Flood’ of new technology.  God had led some people to write and read.  That was a ‘Flood’ that ‘washed away’ those who were not guided by written records of God’s Word and their own history.   The first King, Nimrod, was crowned on a ‘throne’ made of written laws, rules, and records.   Ages of Copper, Bronze, and Iron washed away those who could not keep written records and formulas.”


Question 7:  “Did God guide The Tribes and Peoples who could not read and write?”

Answer:  “Yes.  God gave ‘holy people’ in every Tribe and People the Spoken Rules He wanted them to follow as they moved around the earth.”


Question 8:  “Who was the first Tribe to write down God’s Words?”

Answer:  “The Tribe of Abraham was the first to write and follow God’s Written Rules.   His Prophets wrote down Words of God in The Old Testament.


Question 9:  “What happened after that?”

Answer:  “Another ‘Flood’!   Every person was soon able to see that God’s Written Prophecies about The Messiah had come true.   God took Human Form in The Person of Jesus Christ.   He came to earth in the Prophesied Village, Tribe, and House of David.   The Messiah’s Words were carefully written down.   God’s living ‘New Testament’ had validated the Old Testament’s written Words.   God’s ‘New Flood’ still washes away souls who will not obey ‘Written Words of God’. ”


Question 10:  “What Word of God are Catholics blessed to obey?”

Answer:  “We prove we are blessed by obeying The Great Decree of He Who IS ‘The Last Flood’!   ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against ItI give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’”  (emphasis added for clarity when we real aloud)

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com



