God and man seek purity.

Each of us is “made in the image of God”. So, we all have things in common. One is the desire to purify.

Purification is separating what we want from what we don’t.

Our universal desire to purify takes many forms. Dairy farmers use separators to separate milk from cream. Winnowers separate wheat from chaff. Tea bags allow water to flow through while keeping dried leaves out of the cup. Filters on gas pumps and at the back end of cigarettes keep even smaller particles from entering oxidation chambers.

People seek purity. God seeks purity. God and man seek purity.

He in Whose Image we are made seeks purer souls. They are souls who make themselves like Him. They strive to obey God’s command to love Him and their neighbors. Souls who strive to reflect His Image are eternally separated from those who do not.

Those who love Him and their neighbors are Pro-Life. Those who accept, or willfully cause, the death of unborn children are pro-death. Abortion is the great divide between saved and lost souls.

The Only Church Jesus Founded agrees. Those who willingly participate in an abortion are automatically excommunicated. They have fallen into the group described in Mt. 16: 18-20: “What you bind (do not forgive) on earth shall be bound (not forgiven) in Heaven.” That excommunication is all the more frightening to those who take Scripture seriously because that same passage also tells us that His Church has been given what no other power on earth has been given, “the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”.

God and man seek purity. We may find the beginnings of purification by becoming increasingly Pro-Life. Then, we pray that all may love all their neighbors, “no matter how small”.

Immortal souls, “untimely ripped” from their mothers’ wombs, will judge us. Before that, we must purify ourselves of justifying killing for convenience.

God and man seek purity.
