“God as Programmer” helps.

How do we replace the contradictions that cripple our minds? First, we look to the complete wholeness of The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Then, we look to The Scripture that The Church selected and organized for us.

Some are blessed to consider that Church and Scripture provide the only truth we know by seeing how the Prophets’ predictions came true in the Person of Jesus. Then, we may profitably review the Catholic Fundamentalism position that “God programs in particles. He has compiled them into the systems and beings that comprise The Creation Program.”

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that we think of ourselves as “replicating free will programs”. Each of us is lovingly programmed and downloaded within The Creation Program. We are each “stars” during our “starring role” in a long-running 3-D movie that actually is in three dimensions.

Each of us “replicating free will programs” has the necessary intellect to make critical choices regarding our immortal soul. Each of us must choose to believe and obey, or to reject, the truths of The Only Church He Founded and The Bible it compiled.

In the “our books” section at the top of this page, “New Road to Rome” may be downloaded. It simplifies things remarkably. And, it is free. That way, no one has an economic excuse for not looking at it.

Those who do so have a better understanding of the ease with which reality, reason, and faith come together. This new comprehension of God and His Church stands on the undeniable premise that “God has the ability to program in three dimensions.”

Just as it is now medically possible to replace the very hips and knees on which we stand, so it is now intellectually possible to replace those broken, twisted philosophies, ideas, and histories which keep us from getting closer to The Programmer.

Each of us “replicating free will programs” has the necessary intellect to decide where our soul will spend the next million/billion/trillion years.

We begin by considering His ability to program in three dimensions.

Then, we tell others about the astonishing Church that brings simplicity and truth to a world largely populated by Babylonians intent on profiting from the fraud of needless complexity.
