Who is the god of all schisms? Self.

“I am a person in my own right!” “I’m smart, too!” “I’m as good as anybody else!” “I can think for myself!” “I must be true to myself.”

Such are the titles of the most popular songs in the hymnals of the damned.

At the end of the day, those in schism have separated themselves from The Only Church Jesus Founded. They have confused the desires of vain men with God.

Will the less intelligent be excused? Not sure. Anyone seeing the images in a Catholic Church must have some degree of willingness to turn from them. There must be some element of free will in deciding not to grow close enough to ask, “What is in that brass box near the altar? What is going on, here?”

Still, God is merciful. We cannot ask His mercy for us if we do not ask it for those led astray.

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Schism-founders are “Young men on the make.” They want the money and power that can be made with their own, personal schism. By pandering to the vanity of people who claim “I’m smart, too!” they can get money from them, often in surprising amounts.

Jesus makes clear what happens to the souls who lead others astray. Luke, 17: 2. “It would be best for that person to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to lose his faith.”
What of those who let themselves be led astray? Those in schism from The Only Church He Founded have nothing more important to do than to reflect on His instruction in John 10: 27 “My sheep hear my voice: and I know them, and they follow me.”
We may tell them what we pray they understand: “If you, my dear friend, do not hear the voice of Jesus and follow Him, you are lost. He said so! Do not let yourself be led astray by vain men who take your money and shrink your soul by keeping you from hearing and heeding His voice.”

Who is the god of all schisms? Self. The ball is in their court.


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