God has turned His face away.

The Old Testament prophets, the last of which was John the Baptist, encouraged people to “Repent!” They knew better than anyone that God turns His face away from those who disobey His Operating Instructions. When He does so, those who are no longer faithful are attacked from within and without.

We see that God has turned His face away from Europe. When Europe was a Christian continent, Moslem invaders were kept away. When Catholic Europe was shattered by various protesting groups, Moslem military might reached the gates of Vienna, miraculously turned back by Sobieski.

Now, they are in Vienna, Stockholm, Oslo, London, Lisbon and every other major European city. Their numbers are growing, and God has sent no Sobieski or Don Juan of Austria to turn them back. The only hope for Christianity is in the Americas, particularly the United States.

Here, the same moral paralysis, accompanied by endless bribes, has weakened the Christians. As our political leaders are bribed to always follow the most destructive moral position, the Moslems move in.

The main reason God has turned His face away is because Europe and America has embraced both abortion and birth control, along with violations of His Operating Instructions regarding every kind of chastity. While Christian and Communist countries convince themselves that it is their “enlightened duty” to not be fruitful and multiply, the Moslems obey that part of His Operating Instructions and are both fruitful and multiplying.

They are, to be sure, full of hate, but at least they’re having children. Like all dying cultures, we are led, manipulated, and forced to subsidize death, both at the behest of those who manipulate the political process to get control of it and by our own, innate selfishness.
