God has turned His Face from us.

Reading the Books of Kings and Chronicles is always rewarding. It’s a good way to learn history and a better way to learn how The Programmer interacts with believers.

“And ——— did what was displeasing to The Lord” is a frequent beginning of the chapters that chronicle the Kings and what they did.

Some of the things that were “displeasing to the Lord” were male temple prostitutes, child sacrifice, and worshipping other gods. When the Hebrews did things that were “displeasing to the Lord”, The Programmer allowed famine, drought, plague, and war to visit Israel.

Today, The Programmer is allowing governmental lunacy to take over countries who have left Christianity for the latest round of Babylonian destruction. The “new lunatics” are raising taxes, destroying education, ruining health care, undermining law enforcement, and, in general, making an awful mess of things.

God has allowed them to take over because we have not fought hard enough for Him. We must believe more, and share our beliefs. Their immortal souls depend on hearing the truth, just as ours depend on telling it.

So, let’s do ourselves, and our enemies, a great favor. Tell people about Catholic Fundamentalism. If nothing else, it’s so shocking to many people that it might get them to at least register on the Believers’ Bell Curve.
