God turns His face from those who turn from Him.

A hundred million conservative, traditional Americans continue to be upset by the election results earlier this month.   There’s lots of talk about voter fraud, buying the election, lack of turnout, failure to mobilize the base, and so forth.  The reasons suggested for the defeat go on forever.

All those reasons have some validity.  But, all of them hide the real issue.

The election was lost because of a decay beginning in the 1960s.  Too many Catholics, and others who purport to be Christians, have ignored the Biblical instruction to “be fruitful and multiply”.  We have also ignored His order to not “spill your seed on the ground”.

If one out of every one hundred conservative, traditional Catholics had given birth to one more child in the last half-century, the election would have gone the other way.  If one out of every hundred conservative Protestants would have had one more child, the election would have gone the other way.

The law at work in the last election is easily seen to have been in operation since the beginning:  “God turns His face from those who turn from Him.”

In Catholic Fundamentalism terms, “The Loving Programmer cannot provide access to the help desk for the human programs who do not follow their operating instructions.”

God turns His face from those who turn from Him.  Governments sink into tyranny if Christians have so few children they can’t win elections.
