God weeds His garden.

God weeded the Garden of Eden by uprooting the gardeners and tossing them out. History is a record of gardeners that He uprooted.

The garden of the Aztecs was one of the most bloodthirsty on earth. God allowed it to exist so that men would have a record of a truly bad government that came into being, isolated from any influence from God in either the Old or New Testaments.

Left to themselves, people made an horrible mess of things. As many as 40,000 people marched to the top of a pyramid, their beating hearts cut out, and their bodies rolled down. Their remains were taken to local meat markets and sold. It was an awful place. Death and torture were daily events.

God sent Cortez and a few hundred Catholics to weed that garden.

Catholic Fundamentalism believes that such changes in government reflect God’s will. The Loving Programmer often rewrites the “Governing Programs”. Sometimes, He erases corruptions. Other times, He allows corrupt human programs to hurt others.

God doesn’t allow societies to stay “too bad” forever. He uses other governments to destroy those whom He wants to remove. He has enemies join to destroy whom He wants. He often uses greed and selfishness. When unbelievers see prosperity around them, they become envious. Anger follows, and they begin to steal from each other. Often, He has gardeners weed out themselves as they are weeding another garden.

England is a tiny microcosm of self-destruction. A helpless people have lost control of their lives to cunning destroyers who steer every level of government toward destruction while stuffing their pockets with riches. The same thing has happened in most of the nations settled by The Ten Tribes. They have turned their face from The Only Church He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies Founded. Sin rules. Birth control, abortion, euthanasia, and immorality run rampant. Even the United States has come under the Babylonian boot.

God weeds His garden. God will take care of us, but only after enough people ask Him.
