God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie

God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie.  God put Caesars in power.  Caesars paved the way for Jesus.  Before Julius Caesar, The Roman Empire was divided among competing interests.  Caesar brought all to heel.

He was murdered by Roman Senators.  They feared that Caesar’s organizational genius would keep them from taking money from the State.   God was not stopped!   God brought Augustus to power.  He expanded Caesar’s organization.  Rome became more structured in the decades between 44 BC and the birth of Jesus.

The Prophets had predicted that The Messiah had to be killed.  The Jerusalem Establishment did not have the power to execute enemies.  There had to be a non-Jewish government running Jerusalem so that Jesus could “be lifted up before men” so they could “look upon He Whom they pierced”.

God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie.  He had allowed Rome to grow strong enough to install Pontius Pilate as Governor of Judea.  Pontius Pilate had the power to have Jesus crucified.  He did, right on schedule.

Then, The First Catholic Bishops traveled Roman roads to spread the news.  They sailed from, and to, Roman ports.  They were often protected by Roman Law.  The New Testament they wrote shows how well God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie.

Then, the only man to whom Jesus ever said:  “I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”  went to Rome.

The Only Church Jesus Founded moved to Rome!  For 300 years, The Catholic Church was viciously persecuted.  Catholics never gave up!  We knew, and know, that God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie.

After 300 years, God raised Constantine to be one of the Caesars.  Constantine issued The Edict of Milan.  That made it legal to be Catholic!  Soon, Constantine became the only Caesar in the entire Roman Empire!  Then, Constantine had himself Baptized as a Catholic!

God works behind the scenes of The Big Movie.  Catholics are grateful to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded!
