God’s hint: “It’s all 3-D pixels.”

God makes it clear that “In the beginning was The Word.” “The Word” was the best way people in The Iron Age could describe The Creation Program.

In our age, programming is a such a part of our lives that we understand an update: “In the beginning was The Creation Program.” Its most important components, angels and men, were made with free will.

Now, we know that men can use computer graphics to make movies that look “real” with 2-D pixels. All the technology in the world has finally given us God’s hint: “It’s all 3-D pixels.”

God “programmed” The Creation Program in a vastly more complex manner than humans can “program”. He produced a long-running movie with a multi-galaxy set where virtual reality operates in real time.

Each of us is a star in our own part of the play. Some don’t like the idea of an Invisible Producer. “There is no Invisible Producer! There is no Loving Programmer! Everything is billions of years old and has evolved!“, insist those who choose to NOT want to think about a God powerful enough to pass Judgment on their performance.

God is so brilliant and powerful that He provided the freedom to let each vain person believe we evolved by a happy series of accidents. His provided a stage set so well designed that some could freely conclude it took billions of years of time to “evolve”.

Making the set look like “It’s billions of year old.” required incredibly complicated “Special Effects Programming” to provide free will to His human programs. Telescopes and microscopes still cannot prove or disprove that God wrote and downloaded The Creation Program.

No matter what we find, it is never enough to force a human mind to conclude: “God made this. I have no choice but to believe and obey.”

The Flood was a Program Upgrade. Fallen angels had corrupted all but eight of The Loving Programmer’s human programs. The evil spirit of gluttony took living form as bloated brontosaurus. The fallen angel of sloth became huge, multiple manifestations of that laziness, and were not even energetic enough to change their name. All the evil creatures had to be destroyed so the only “Good Programs” could have a chance.

The Flood provided “set redecoration”. A five mile-high tidal wave and accompanying whirlpools were pulled around the earth for several months by the moon’s gravitational pull. The churning waters deposited layers of silt and sediment which were quickly compressed into rock. Some layers of hardening crust were shoved miles into the Himalayan air.

Canyons were gouged through some of the hundreds of layers of sediment as it hardened into what future generations would call “sedimentary rock”. Vast flat lands were formed. Some of the newly elevated mountain chains were rounded off with “bigbergs”, county-sized bulldozers of broken icecaps. Hydrocarbons formed by unimaginable heat from the decaying uranium and thorium programs below the crust were squirted into layers that were compressed into what would be called “coal”.

Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons were formed to continually move upwards into accessible pools of oil that human programs would use thousands of years later. Fossils were laid down, the heaviest sinking first, in what would be called “Proof of Evolution” by vain men who traded their souls for the temporary fame of spewing such drivel. All the settings that The Stage would need were set.

When did He go to all that trouble? Each angel and each man could choose to believe in, and obey, God. Or, not. Those who chose belief and obedience in God, and later, in The Only Church He Founded, were so loved that He went to all that work to give them the greatest possible joy, forever.

The Creation Program was written and downloaded for obedient Catholics who separated themselves from the vast horde by believing and obeying the bizarre “Sheep from Goats” command from He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

God’s hint: “It’s all 3-D pixels.” leads to an undeniable conclusion: The Creation Program was written and downloaded for those who receive Catholic Communion.
