God’s IQ Test. #102. “Am I smart enough to understand ‘bread from Heaven’?

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

. Would Jesus Christ have told us to “eat My Body and drink My Blood” without giving us a way to obey?

The Old Testament is clear! God provided “bread from Heaven”. “Manna” fell from Heaven. That “holy bread” fed the Twelve Tribes as they traveled for forty years to “the promised land”.

Exodus 16:15: “Moses told them, ‘This is the bread that The Lord has given you to eat.’”

Question 1: “Did God stop providing ‘food from Heaven’?”

Answer: He provided “food” in another way! He let The Twelve Tribes take over thousands of square miles of farms, villages, factories, and cities in the lands they conquered. God wanted them to work for what they needed . No more “free lunch”!


Question 2: “About 1,300 years after the ‘manna’ came down from Heaven, did Jesus Christ fulfill over 300 Prophecies predicting that The Messiah would come to earth in the tiny village of Bethlehem?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 3: “Did Jesus Christ provide a new, life-giving “food from Heaven” 1,300 years later?

Answer: Yes. In the last half of John 6, Jesus repeated 12 times: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”


Question 4: “That is bizarre! How could The Messiah give us His Body and Blood to ingest?”

Answer: At The Last Supper, Jesus Christ presided over The Miracle of Transubstantiation. Bread and wine became His Body and Blood by The Power of His Word.


Question 5: That happened two thousand years ago! How can He still provide His Actual Body and Blood?

Answer: Jesus Christ Ordained His priests with The Power to provide That Holy Food. Then, He gave them a Direct Order! “Do this in memory of Me.” Catholic priests have provided That Holy Food at every Catholic Mass after The Last Supper.


Question 6: “Who may receive ‘That Holy Food’ from His Catholic priests?”

Answer: Anyone who obeys The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 7: “If anyone willfully refuses to do what is necessary to eat ‘That Holy Food’, can they have ‘life in’ them?”

One answer is a question! Can a person who willfully disobeys Any Instruction from Jesus Christ be forever among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”?

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