God’s IQ Test. #114. “Does pride lead to sin and death?”

. Proud angels were thrown out of Heaven. Proud people lose their souls on earth.

Many people are too proud to obey God. They disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 1:  “Why do the devil and his followers hate God and The Church?”

Answer:  “They think they are better than God.”


Question 2: “Can anyone who willfully disobeys God get into Heaven?”

Answer: “The Bible is clear. God threw the willfully disobedient devil and his followers out of Heaven! What more does anyone need to know?”


Question 3: “How many angels chose to become willful disobedience in spiritual form?”

Answer: “One third of the angels decided to proudly disobey God. St. Michael and the obedient angels threw them out of Heaven. They try to infect us with their pride.”


Question 4: “Why do some people on earth let themselves be ruled by pride?

Answer: “They want to believe: ‘No one is better than me!’ They fall farther by concluding they are ‘better’ than all who disagree with them.”

Question 5: “Do proud people hate neighbors who obey God?”

Answer: “Yes! ‘Since God will not let me into Heaven, I want to stop others from going there!'”


Question 6: “What do beliefs do proud people hate?”

Answer: “They hate to see neighbors focus on Faith, Families, and Freedom. Those led by pride want their neighbors to focus on them. Pride takes human form in two desires:

1. ‘Look at me!’

2. ‘Think, say, and do whatever I tell you!'”


Question 7: “How long have proud people hated neighbors who put God before their desires?”

Answer: “Since the day Cain decided to kill Abel for obeying God and not him.


Question 8: “What should all obedient people try to do?”

Answer: “The best thing to do is whatever it takes to get ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. We know where Jesus left them.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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