. Many are led away from The Only Church Spoken into Being by Jesus Christ.
Modern Protestant denominations began with Luther. In the past five centuries, 50,000 Protestant groups began. They all agreed on 2 things.
1. This teaching of Jesus Christ is wrong! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
2. This Teaching of Jesus Christ is also wrong! “I give you (Peter and his Successors) the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
Question 1: “Is God’s Own Truth in those 2 sentences?”
Answer: “God is always right. It is wrong to disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ.”
Catholics know. “Every “Teaching” of Jesus Christ is a “Command”! We will go to His Judgment. Catholics want to be forever in One Group. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”
Every person on earth should ask:
Question 2. “Do I want to stand before Jesus Christ at My Judgment and be forever among His obedient “friends”?
The sane answer: “Yes.”
We all notice a fact. Older Protestant denominations are shrinking. They begin, they divide, they disappear.
Question 3: “Do Protestant denominations disappear because they are disobedient to Teachings of Jesus?”
Answer: “Yes.”
Question 4: “Protestant denominations do not support This Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.” Is that why they disappear over time?
Answer: “Protestant Sunday Schools are emptier than ever. The only way many Protestant denominations can survive is by getting lapsed Catholics to join them.”
Protestant denominations are attacked by newer, “modern” Protestants. Competing clergy frequently take members from nearby congregations. If their new denomination is successful, it is soon divided.
Question 5: “Does God do anything to help Protestants?”
Answer: “Yes! God lets everyone who loves and obeys Him become Catholic.
What more should He do?”
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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
A free book of reasons. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/the-book-of-revelation