Some time ago, I tried to reconcile the six day account of Genesis with the purported 20 billion year age of the universe. It was too much for me until this thought came into my mind:
“God can program in three dimensions.”
Pondering this can reasonably lead us to the conclusion that He programmed the things that He programmed us to see as particles. Particles were the “noun” part of Creation.
He also programmed the “verb” part of Creation, which put the particles in motion. It does not matter which He programmed first, or if simultaneous programming went on. Likewise, it does not matter, though it seems increasingly likely to me, that particles are made out of motion.
As I considered this most revolutionary of thoughts, it occurred to me that the nine classes of angels were actually nine levels of sub-programmers, each with different abilities.
In time, thinking about this led me to believe that Fundamentalism was reasonable. The Bible was true in every particular. When I got to the part in John 6, “if you do not eat my body and drink my blood, you do not have life in you”, it became clear that Roman Catholic fundamentalists were the truest fundamentalists.
Now, I think that Catholic Fundamentalism is the wholest truth we can know. Error can be measured by degrees of difference with Catholic Fundamentalism.