God’s “little people” know what Jesus did to ‘big pig people’.



.                                          Catholics connect Mt.11:25 to  what Jesus did to the herd of pigs!


Question 1:  “Can only ‘little people’ understand what Jesus did to a huge herd of ‘pigs’?”

Answer:  “Matthew 11:25 is clear:  ‘Blessed are You, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, You have revealed to little ones the mysteries of The Kingdom.’


Question 2:  “What ‘mysteries of The Kingdom’ has Jesus Christ revealed to His ‘little ones’?”

Answer:  “His ‘little ones’ solve the ‘mystery‘ of getting our immortal souls into ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’!”


Question 3:  “Why can only the ‘little ones’ solve that ‘mystery’?”

Answer:  “Our souls are not swollen by vanity.  Vanity turns many ‘big people’ into ‘big pig people’.   They proudly squeal:  ‘I am so big and important that God has to let me into Heaven!’


Question 4:  “What do Catholic ‘little ones‘ think about ‘pig people’?”

Answer:  “God’s ‘little ones’ are too busy to care!  We focus our thoughts, words, and work around our families and our souls.  ‘Please, God!   Let our souls into Heaven!” 


Question 5:  “Which people does God keep out of Heaven?”

Answer:  “Pig people!  They brag about cheating, hurting, and killing their neighbors.  God lets herds of them throw their souls into hell.  The Bible tells us that in Mt. 8:28, Mark 5:11, Luke 8:26.”


Question 6: “How does God punish the swollen souls of ‘big pig people’?”

Answer:  “The bigger a ‘pig’ has become on earth, the more souls it has led astray.   In hell, the ‘little pig people’ endlessly gnaw on the swollen souls of the ‘big pig people’ who kept their souls from Heaven.”


Question 7:  “What should we ‘little ones’ do when we see big, important people hurting their neighbors?”

Answer:  “We ask God to let them know This Word of Jesus Christ, be in His Church, and get these ‘keys’ 

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 8:  “Would ‘big pig people’ have to Confess their sins and  receive Absolution from a Catholic priest to get those ‘keys’?”

Answer:  “Most ‘big pig people‘ would rather suffer in hell forever than do that!”

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