God’s Love for Us and Our Love for Him Frees Us from Earthly Addictions

Addictions are excessive attractions to programmed entities, the things of Creation.  We like addictions because they provide the satisfaction of feeling good for awhile.  We all have tendencies to become addicted to feeling good.

Some get good feelings by ingesting chemicals.  Many get addicted to  good feelings that come from successfully buying and selling.  Sports, war, and business offer good feelings that come with playing and winning.  Some find that satisfaction with the ever popular addictions summed up in the phrase, “What do I want?  Faster horses, younger women, and more money.”

In school, as in life, some are lucky enough to have the “good addictions”, like working hard and doing well.  Others may be addicted to having a good time, and fritter their time away with drugs, drinking, sex, and parties.

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Those without focus on God have addictions.  Since they don’t understand how much God loves them, they don’t understand anything.  They are lost.  Addicts are, as the song says, “looking for love in all the wrong places”.  It’s better to, as another song says, “look up, and live.”

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