What are God’s scourges today?

The destroyers mentioned in the Book of Revelations, War, Famine, Plague, and Wild Beasts (the last includes microbes, megalomaniac murderers, etc.) are used by The Programmer to destroy those who ignore Him and His Operating Instructions. They act much like the cleansing of a computer disc, getting rid of bad programs and making ready for new ones to be downloaded.

Such scourges also work to get the martyred faithful safely into Heaven before they are made, or led, to become a part of the disobedient.

Today, the two most obvious lashes of His scourge are leftist tyranny and Moslem aggression. Both lashes spring from one stock, and that is hatred of all that is best about humanity. Most of those who choose to become part of the living scourges of hatred are not overly bright. They deal with that by making considerable efforts to wipe out all those smarter than themselves.

Similarly, those who are filled with hate are driven to destroy those who prefer love to the hostility they have made the driving force in their own lives.
