Where Golden Calves come from.

Conspiracy theorists believe that some sort of “Central Committee” invents golden calves. The Central Committee has enough control of the media to publicize their golden calves and make them both believable and profitable.

That does not go far enough into their origin. To explore that, we must ask “Why would anyone prefer their own work to God’s?

That answer is always the same, “Vanity.” Exalting oneself manifests pride. The vain never see that “pride goeth before a fall”. If they could see that, they’d steer clear of golden calves. Therefore, we can assume that their pride blinds them.

Pride blinds them so effectively that they cannot see that they are blind. So, The Program, in perfect, loving, human form warned them. “Their sin is not that they are blind, but that they say they see.”

Therefore, their underlying assumption is that they are too good to have to change, too perfect to have anything go wrong with them, so much better than virtually all of reality that they are, in fact, God.

That overweening insolence has been carefully programmed to lead them to a punishment that will exactly fit their sins, and, in some way, make up for all the harm that they have done.
