Good servants obey every word of their Lord and Master.

Jesus Christ fulfilled The Prophecies. His Words before The Last Supper include John 12:26! 19 Words tell us who gets into Heaven!

“Whoever serves Me must follow Me, says the Lord; and where I am, there also will my servant be.”

Catholics know! Those 19 Words are one of the most important Instructions from Jesus Christ! We look at Every Word!

1, 2. “Whoever serves” are words that separate obedient “servants” from all others.

3. “Me” means Jesus Christ. Catholics serve The Son of God; He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

4. “must” means “has to”

5. “follow” means “obey”, as in “‘follow’ orders” or “‘follow’ instructions”

6. “Me”, again, it is Jesus Christ Whom we must “serve” with obedience.

7. “says” reminds us that it is Jesus Christ Who is speaking!

8. “the” is a singular word referring to:

9. “Lord”. Catholics know! Jesus Christ is our “Lord” and Master.

10. “and” means we are about to be blessed with a Teaching!|
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11, 12, 13: “where I am” tells us the eternal location of Jesus Christ: Heaven!

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: “there also will my servant be.” tells us where His obedient “servants” will be!

19 Words! “Whoever serves me must follow me, says the Lord; and where I am, there also will my servant be.”

Catholics are able to see that an “unspoken Word” follows “be.”

20. “Forever!”


The saddest thing on earth! Many people willfully and knowingly reject His call to be an obedient “servant”.

All of Protestantism is based on choosing to disobey This Instruction from Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


We pray that all are blessed to gratefully obey That Instruction from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

The eternal fate of every immortal soul depends on being able to “follow” instructions from Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master.


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