A good thing may come from focusing on body programs.

At every stage of our lives, we are encouraged to focus on our bodies. Most worry about being too fat. Some worry about being too thin. Others worry about the amount of hair on their heads. Concerns about “proper nutrition” abound.

All this focus on making our individual bodies as perfect as they can be is silly, but it may have a good end, and that is the idea of trying to attain perfection. That involves our minds. Eventually, the innate appreciation of truth in most minds help us get sick and tired of worrying about things we cannot, and often should not, change.

But, we do have to think about something, unless we dull our minds with drugs. One logical thing to think about is our minds. Thinking about our minds make us wonder why we want to think all the time.

It may occur to some happy souls that the highest things their minds may consider is God. So, it is possible to evolve from thinking about body parts to consider our mental operations to thinking about God. There are many distractions along the road. We should think about why they’re there.
