Grandstanding, the best way to avoid solving problems.

Most of our problems are easy to identify and able to be solved:

Problem                                                    Proven Solution

Malaria                                                       DDT

Poor public education                                 Vouchers, phonics, math drills

Expensive energy                                       Build more nuclear reactors

High oil prices                                             Drill more wells

Illegal immigration                                      Secure borders

Drug-related crime                                      Legalize more drugs

Overly complicated taxes                            Flat rate

Housing shortage                                       Remove unnecessary regulations

Drunk driving                                              After three convictions, time in jail

All problems have safe, simple solutions that will markedly reduce, if not eliminate, them.  Rather than do that, most public officials prefer to grandstand, embracing unworkable solutions to very real problems.  They focus attention on sure-to-fail solutions while allowing the real problems to grow and fester, providing profit for those who donate to their campaigns.  Problems are milked for all they’re worth.  Whenever possible, every problem is turned into a “crisis”.  The news media exists to help elevate each “problem” to “crisis”.

Public officials like problems.  Each problem turned into a crisis provides excuses to hire the otherwise unemployable throngs made jobless by automation and imports.  No government will never solve a problem unless forced to do so.  In that event, they will make the “solution” in such a way as to provide the largest possible number of jobs and the greatest possible amount of funding.

There is a vast IQ gap between those who understand this and the pitiful boobs who believe the flood of lies that flood forth from public officials thorugh their obedient shills when they talk about the latest “crisis”.  The best, or worst, thing about Democracy is that it allows those who have no idea their minds are stuffed full of lies to continue putting the most effective liars in office, where the deluded simpletons who vote for them can be made continually poorer.

When so considered, Democracy may be described as lemming kamikaze.
