Happy Families have happy “Family Rooms” in their houses.

Houses have “Family Rooms”.  That’s where families get together!  It’s a wonderful part of life!  Happy families know one thing:
“We owe everything we have to God!”   Happy Families have happy “Family Rooms” in their houses.

“Family Rooms” of Happy Families have reminders of God!   There are Crosses on walls.  There are pictures of Holy Men, Women, and Angels who obeyed God’s Teachings.

Those reminders help Happy Families keep God in our minds!  As we see and hear things, Happy Families put them into perspective.   We compare all we see and hear with God and His Teachings.

We see that lies come into our “Family Rooms”.  Many lies are broadcast.  Others appear as printed words.   Some are spoken by unhappy people.  Happy Families do not let lies distract us from God, His Son, and His Teachings.


Happy Families do a lot of praying.  And, thinking!   Happy Families always ask:  “Are unhappy people telling me something that is not true?”

Happy Families understand!  “Unhappy people want to loot and destroy us!”   They know why!  “Unhappy people hate us for one reason!  They want something we have.   We have souls, life, votes, money, and property.  We have children.  We have futures!  We have happiness!  Unhappy people want everything we have!”


Unhappy people love to tell Happy Families what to do!  They love give orders!  They love to be on television.  Most unhappy people were never Baptized.  Others have renounced their Baptism.  Their minds are confused by Original Sin.  They tell many lies!  They believe them!

Their “Family Rooms” never have reminders of God and His Holy Saints!

They separate themselves from The Teachings of Jesus Christ.  They begin by disliking some of their neighbors.  Then,  they begin to hate all their neighbors.

Soon, they hate themselves.  What happens to their houses?


They all fall down!  Entire neighborhoods are destroyed!   Huge cities collapse!   Happy Families are forced to move away.

For two thousand years, Happy Families have realized when:  “It’s time to move!”

The first place to move?  We move closer to God in our “Family Rooms”!

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Free e-books, and reasons to love our Happy Families:  catholicfundamentalism.com


