Be happy for so many opportunities to forgive.

Jesus said that He came to separate sheep from goats. He left The Only Church He Founded so that all could choose which they wanted to be.

Political systems are simpler. They exist to provide slaves for owners.

After Rome fell, Europe was divided into nations that coalesced around the Ten Northern Tribes. The European nations became Catholic monarchies ruled by those descended from the Ten Tribe’s nobles. Many were invaded by various tribes from the East, ancient cousins who wanted a share of the riches that Catholicism had brought to their brothers in the West.

The biggest break in European history came when the tribes in Northern America replaced their hereditary rulers with elected officials. That was a theory of great promise based on a written document that, after a couple of centuries, was not worth the parchment it was printed on.

People followed it, off and on, through Grover Cleveland’s second administration. Coolidge was the last President to actually make policy on The Constitution. Then, it became enshrined and ignored as various special interests used their power to bribe so effectively they could enslave their neighbors.

The process of enslavement continues. Before the Civil War, Negroes in the South were counted as 3/5s of a person. Today, with a tax rate that often exceeds 60%, we have more slaves in America than ever.

Few seem to mind. Those who do complain about being enslaved are quickly marginalized as “radicals”, “rednecks”, “Birchers”, “tea partiers”, and “selfish”.

The only good thing about so many people enslaving the fewer and fewer who actually do and make things? By the miracle of those in the Enslaving Parties, we are given more opportunities than ever to “do good to them who hurt you.”

Catholic Fundamentalism understands the process. We rejoice in thanksgiving at the countless opportunities we have to love the countless dozens of millions who have their hands in our pockets. “Take a little more!”, we say, as we grow in the joy of deeply realizing that justice will roll down from the mountain.

Those who lived by lying, stealing, and killing shall have all their wrongs put right. Those whom they destroyed will be made more than whole. The only condition? That they forgave their destroyers.

Be happy for so many opportunities to forgive.
