It is hard to imagine a worse wreck

It is hard to imagine a worse wreck in the world than Prince Charles. It is almost as if shallowness, itself, decided to take human form and live among us. There has neither been a hare-brained scheme that he did not embrace nor a false alarm that did not concern him “Deeply.” He moves from fad to fad as a moth flutters from candle to candle. While some may be satisfied with emptying one’s mind of all intellectual respectability, the poor prince has sunk further.

He now insists that he is not “The Defender of the Faith”, but that he is “The Defender of Faiths.” This keeps him from having to offend any of the rising minority of professionally, perpetually angry malcontents who wish death on the Christians and Jews of his “realm”.

If the living Son of God said, “The lukewarm water, I spit out of my mouth.”, how much farther from goodness will the soul of such be expelled?

To be sure, he is not the first in the long line of royal apostates. But, at least Henry VIII and Elizabeth I had enough sense to maintain the form, while denying the substance, of The Church upon whose foundation their throne once rested. It has taken a few centuries for the rot to spread from crown to kingdom, but it has. Without the emergence of an Alfred, England will soon be another Ishmaelite state. Then, joy will disappear. Laughter will be replaced by the grim business of being ruled by whomever is most filled with hate.

A good thing about Prince Charles? He does provide an encapsulation of how smoothly one may slide from grace. And, by seeing how often we agree with what he says is right and important, he provides a living milestone from which we can calculate our own place and direction on the broad path to destruction.
