The Hate-O-Meter.

Those most full of hate spread death and lies wherever they can. Many believe that the Hate-O-Meter registers Mao, murderer of millions, at the top of the list. Stalin would be close, along with Genghis Khan. But, mass murderers are not so obvious.

Actually, the Hate-O-Meter puts Rachael Carson, manic environmentalist, near the top of the list. Hundreds of millions of people have died because of malaria, which had almost disappeared when DDT was used to wipe out the mosquitoes that carried it. Rachael, it will be remembered, put forth lots of lies and exaggerations that allowed the legions of hate to virtually obliterate the use of DDT in poorer countries.

The Hate-O-Meter has other surprises. There are many studies indicating that homosexual life spans are a little over half the life spans of heterosexuals. The Culture of Death celebrates this, encourages more of it, and fights viciously against those in favor of practices that aren’t so life-shortening.

Abortionists show up high on the Hate-O-Meter. They kill millions of unborn babies every year, to the delight of those involved. Even more death is caused by those involved in making birth “control” pills that kill unborn babies in their very earliest days.

The Hate-O-Meter shows that many in public agencies destroy lots of lives. Their overall hatred of energy keeps people poor and dying, their embracement of public health has kept many from the medical care they need. Everything many “helpers” do is only successful at ruining, shortening, and ending lives.

It’s very hard to convince those in the Culture of Death to protect life. They hate all life, including their own.
