They hate us, and they want us dead.

It’s easy to minimize the efforts of the Other Side. We see their desperate silliness manifested in everything they say and do, and conclude that “People that stupid aren’t worth bothering about.”

The thinking behind their words is not profound, but it is consistent. The unalloyed hatred that motivates them does not change until they die, and their poor souls go off to eternal punishment.

They rejoice in every bad thing that happens to anyone.

We, on the other hand, are rarely single-minded. We hate evil and try to do good, but we do it sporadically. Some days, we’re very concerned about abortion, for instance, and another day, we are focused on the abysmal state of public education in America. But, there are lawns to mow, work to do, and cars to wash. And, we are distracted by the blatant stupidity behind their endless lies.

The Other Side stays more focused. The sins we avoid are their sacraments, so they serve evil, no matter what they do. We, however, do not always do good, but often do nothing, allowing ourselves to be distracted by television and material concerns.

So, we should work a little harder. Pray a little more. Be a little better. If we don’t continually move toward truth and goodness, we run the risk of ending up like them; thinking, telling, and living lies.
