Wars rage between the classes within a nation. The lazy and less intelligent are at war with the industrious and intelligent. Those who hate their neighbors are at war with those who love their neighbors.
Communists and Moslems are the two biggest Armies of Haters. Big haters have joined forces.
Hard-working, intelligent Americans face the fate of their counterparts in Cuba and Venezuela, Libya and Nigeria. The lazy and less intelligent are destroying those who worked and got ahead. These people, always below the top drawer intellectually, are consumed with jealously and hatred for those who do better and have more.
Armed Forces and intelligence agencies have been taken over by those who hate us. The Officer Corps has been purged of any who believe that American citizens have Constitutional rights.
A lot of us will be jailed. Many, executed. It won’t be fun, but we won’t be bored.
Those who survive will be reduced to serf and peon level. We will be kept hungry, un-medicated, and spied upon. That’s what they do to their neighbors, after the initial pretense of “concern about rights and equality” can be done away with.
The freedom-haters have big plans for us. Guns will be the first thing to be taken. Antibiotics tightly controlled. Then, everything else. To stay alive, we will have to stand in long lines for food. There will be no heat or electricity, much less freedom or money. Haters have joined forces.
Where do these people come from? Next door. They’re the people who are sullen, unhappy, angry, jealous, greedy, envious, lustful, lazy, proud, gluttonous, and perverted.
Why do they hate? Why do they do so much damage, in so many nations, over so many thousand years, to as many people as possible as often as they can? They hate. Their poor lost souls are contorted by hatred of all that is better, richer, smarter, holier, kinder, and better.
What has paralyzed us? Our vanity has splintered Christians into 43,000 competing schisms. Each claims “Ours is the ladder to Heaven!” Since the Pro-Life people have been divided into so many schisms, it is impossible for us to unite and elect legislators who will defend us. We end up with governments that are controlled by bribes. In the once-Christian nations, a billion unborn babies have been sacrificed on the Altar of Babylonian Convenience.
God has turned His face. His twin scourges, Mohammedanism and Communism, have joined to destroy us. If we return to The Only Church He Founded, He will save us. Most of the large “Somewhat Christian” schisms would rather die than abandon their ridiculous denominational vanities.
The terror that ravaged France, Russia, and Cuba is nearer than ever. What do we do? Pray that all may return to The Only Church Jesus Founded. Since many are too stubborn to give up their silly ladder to Heaven, we must focus on the next goal.
Strive to die with the words “Viva Christo Rey!” on our lips.