Higher education: the Devil’s flypaper.

It’s long been known that hard-working, decent conservatives have more children than selfish, self-centered leftists. Leftists know that, and understand that they must do something to keep from being outvoted by conservatives. So, they invented ever higher education and use it to turn as many conservatives’ children as possible into the lost souls of the left.

From co-ed dorms to Godless curricula, higher education is carefully designed to destroy the basic truths and morals that have motivated the best of people since Noah. Higher education is controlled by those skilled at subverting truth. Generation after generation has been led to believe that God is not real, and, if He is real, He is certainly not judgmental, and pronouns referring to Him should not begin with upper case letters. Those so bamboozled vote accordingly.

Those working to undermine and destroy the children of loving, conservative parents design campuses and promote activities that make sex, drugs, alcohol, and meaningless activities cheaply available. They try mightily to destroy any thinking that leads to understanding cause and effect, sin and death. To them, innocence is an enemy that must be destroyed.

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So, Catholic Fundamentalists do not hate the wretched, molesters of childrens’ minds, though we know they control nearly every college and university. As the lost souls battle against truth, they give each one of us precious opportunities to stand up for truth. Without their attacks upon us and our children, how could we win our crowns?

By being the Devil’s flypaper, they are doing God’s work. Love the poor, damned fools. It’s the only chance they have.


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Only Catholics meaningfully make The Connection between The Old and New Testaments and The Connection between The Temple in Jerusalem and The Vatican in Rome. ~ Question 1: “What do we learn about ‘The New Jerusalem’ from The Psalms and The New Testament?” Answer: Ps 122:1-5 tell us that holy, obedient people will be among […]