Higher Education is neither.

Higher Education is neither.  Higher education has long been a job provider for pseudo-intellectuals.  Now, because of relentless expansion, it provides jobs for people who aren’t bright enough to be pseudo-intellectuals:

We clearly see that the largely pseudo-intellectual portion of the University is outnumbered almost 7 to 1 by even more useless appendages who have attached themselves to higher education.  No one knows how universities were able to survive for centuries without such throngs of supernumeraries, but now, they are necessary.  Many are children of public officials, their families, and supporters.  They multiply like flies.

Now, every area of education has been utterly corrupted by those who use it as a jobs program.  A good thing about the corruption of Higher Education?

It lets us see why Higher Education exists.  Higher education became popular after WWII, when returning veterans had to be kept off the street.  The institutions involved in higher education did successfully keep huge numbers of people off the street.

Now, of course, everyone is convinced they need a degree.  Most of the gullible people who are being kept off the street will go into debt to pay for the privilege of being kept off the street.    Right now, student loan debt is greater than the nation’s credit card obligations.  The interest they are forced to pay is a great help to bankers, bureaucrats, and everyone but the students.  Their lives are literally being mortgaged before they can even think about mortgaging a house.

In the last couple of years, Higher Education has become an ideal way to identify the less intelligent people who are involved with it.  A smart young man who’s graduated from high school has better alternatives than a lifetime of debt.  He can get on a bus to North Dakota, learn the basics of drilling, fracking, and allied fields, and be making sixty or eighty thousand a year in a couple of years.  After four years, he’ll have the cash to learn what he needs to know to do what he wants to do.   And, he’ll have a useful trade, not some stupid course in _______ Studies.

Or, he can stupidly leave high school, go to some blood-sucking  institution of Higher Education and be fiscally destroyed by the huge, bizarre scheme that exists simply to keep people off the street and in debt forever.

