Historically, Even the Most Well-intentioned Protestants Have Caused a Problem:

Since the late 600s, the most extreme Protestants of all, Mohammedans, have been more united in their attacks on Christianity than Christians have been united in defending themselves. Luther, for instance, equated the Pope with the leader of those who were attacking Christian nations in Southern Europe.

Such protests made it difficult for Christians to achieve a meaningful defense. By 1571, the only organized, effective defenders of Christendom were in a coalition of Spanish, Venetian, Genoan, and Papal fleets. The Grace of God, and praying The Rosary, made it possible for Catholics to defeat the larger Mohammedan armada in the Adriatic. News of the victory cheered low-level Protestants, while those of higher rank, like the “cold Queen of England” were threatened by any Catholic unity that might dislodge them from their high positions.

After that defense had been successfully established, Christian Europe began to move ahead, intellectually, to such a degree that by 1683, their victory at the Gates of Vienna stopped Mohammedan assaults into Europe’s soft underbelly. As time progressed, the Christian nations made huge progress in chemistry, math, metallurgy, and every other area of endeavor. Mohammedan nations spent those centuries keeping themselves in the Iron Age. By the mid-1800s, Christendom had developed such powerful weaponry that the threat from the Middle-east was largely eliminated.

Then, competing Protestants kept the victory from being completed. England’s Protestant establishment worked hard to keep Russia from becoming the dominant power in Europe. The Russians were also Protestants, of a home-grown Greek persuasion. Their conceits led them to believe that Moscow was “the third Rome”. The two groups of Protestants neutralized each other so that Mohammedan gains in the Balkans could not be reversed, even after the Ottoman Empire had collapsed.

Today, there is no united defense against the recent, rapid Mohammedan invasion of Europe. As a result, entire sections of cities have been radicalized. Roman/Christian jurisprudence is being replaced with an institutionalized, primitive violence. “Love your neighbor.” has been supplanted with “An eye for an eye.” A divided Europe, without a Catholic rallying point, cannot organize to fight for the culture that produced the riches that made them a target for invasion. The destruction of Christendom, without The Church, seems inevitable.

Most Europeans understand what is happening as their systems fall apart under welfare burdens and assaults their leaders are too afraid, and too bribed, to stop. Since the old, once dominant, Catholic Church has been replaced by bureaucrats who have amassed the money and skills to keep themselves in a permanent state of re-election, it is unlikely that there will be any political effort to actually solve the problem.

The various groups of surviving Protestants will be sure to mount “enlightened objections” to any efforts that would actually make things better.
