History of Imperialistic Protestantism. 5

A quick review: After destroying the Catholic balance on their political power in England and Ireland, Imperialistic Protestantism turned its guns on the rest of the world. Entire continents were stolen, their inhabitants often exterminated.

In the last half of the 1800s, large numbers of Catholics were brought into North America to provide cheap labor. They gravitated to the growing cities.  Catholic Bishops, priests, sisters, and brothers built churches, schools, hospitals, and orphanages. By the 1920s, powerful Catholic political machines established safe urban areas across America.

Imperialistic Protestants attacked the Catholic strongholds with Public Housing.  They fragmented Catholic parishes, wards, and neighborhoods by running huge freeways through them. The two-pronged attack drove Catholics into the suburbs. All were made poorer by transportation costs, property taxes, and new mortgages that encumbered all who wanted to live in safe neighborhoods.

Then, Imperialistic Protestantism turned its guns upon the poor. In 1973, abortion became the law of the land. Catholic political Pro-Life efforts were neutralized.  Many Pro-Life people were fragmented among 43,000 competing denominations. The Church was not able to stop the killing as abortionists began aborting the unborn children of the poor. “We only need enough poor people to vote us into office. The others must die.”

Imperialistic Protestantism then took aim at the Catholic-lite, Middle-Class Protestants. “Too many people are prosperous, independent, and think for themselves. Destroy their jobs!”  Their “new infantry” was armed with legislative authority. Divisions of Environmentalists, Brigades of Global Warmists, and Battalions of earth, air, and water cleaners were unleashed to destroy American jobs.

Billionaires decreed:  “We must make people too poor to have children. Move their jobs overseas!” Executive salaries sky-rocketed. “If we are going to destroy our own workers, we want big salaries! We used to make ten times the average wage of our employees. Now, we want a hundred, a thousand times more!”

They got it! The “new breed” of Judas-executives sold their employees down the river. Birth rates dropped. Imperialistic Protestantism began devouring its own!
