Hitler was inspired by Land-Grabbing Protestants


Hitler was inspired by Land-Grabbing Protestants.  The inspiration they provided is made clear in a recent book, “The Silk Roads“.

Hitler was impressed by what Land-Grabbing Protestants had done to gain Lebensraum, “living space”.  For Hitler, as for America’s Protestants, it involved seizing land from comparatively unarmed peoples.

Hitler’s plans are well known.  He intended to virtually exterminate all the European peoples living between Germany and The Volga River.

Page 365 of “The Silk Roads”, in a chapter titled “The Road to Genocide”:  “Hitler and those closest to him had two templates for expanding Germany’s resource base.  First was the British Empire. . . “  In India, Land-Grabbing Protestants ruled over a “culture that was simply inferior” and looted whatever they wanted.

“But, there was another model that Hitler regularly referred to as well, with which he saw parallels and to which he looked for inspiration:  the United States.  Germany needed to do what the (Protestant) settlers had done to the native Americans, Hitler told Alfred Rosenberg, the newly appointed Reichminister for the Occupied Eastern Territories:  the local population had to be driven back–or exterminated.”

Hitler was very specific: “The Volga, he proclaimed, would be Germany’s Mississippi, that is to say, a frontier between the civilized world and the chaos beyond.”

Hitler knew what America’s Land-Grabbing Protestants had done!  Few Indians were left alive after two hundred and fifty years of Land-Grabbing Protestants seized “living space” from Indians defended by Stone Age technology.

Entire states named after Indian Tribes in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, and others had few, or no Indians left!

Hitler had found the perfect example for his plans!  Unlike America’s more ambitious Land-Grabbing Protestants, Hitler did not intend to go all the way to The Pacific Ocean, but only to the Volga River.

To be sure, of the many, many Protestant Denominations in North America, early Quakers and the Moravians did try to stop the slaughter.  They were outvoted by every State and Federal Legislature whose voters profited from the Land-Grabbing Protestants.

Many compare the difference between them and Catholic settlements.  Today, 85% of the peoples living in Catholic-settled nations still have Indian DNA.

One may drive for months around North America and never see a single Indian.
