Two in a Row

Today, like yesterday, is a Holy Day of Obligation. It’s not often that there are two consecutive Holy Days of Obligation. Our priests, though exhausted from endless Masses over the past few days, will be there. So should we.

The Christmas Masses began on December 24’s Vigil Mass. The Midnight Mass took place at midnight of the 24th, and goes into Christmas Day, on the 25th. At dawn on December 25, there is The Mass at Dawn. Then, there’s a Christmas Mass during the day. The following day, today, Sunday the 26th, the Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, is the fifth Mass in three days, and in most parishes will be accompanied by two other Masses.

We may remember this outpouring of faith during the year, knowing that our faith is abiding because our priests are presiding.
