“Holy Vanity” lets Catholics know WHAT “The Pearl of Great Price” is.

Only Catholics know! “The Pearl of great price” is The Catholic Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ to provide His Food for our soul’.


Question 1: “How does ‘Holy Vanity’ let Catholics know where to find ‘food for our soul’?”

Answer: “Only Catholics have ‘sold everything we have and purchased the pearl of great price’ in Matthew 13:45-46.”


Question 2: “Doesn’t everyone have an immortal soul?”

Answer: “Yes. But, Catholics are the only people with the ‘Holy Vanity’ to love our soul so much that we feed it with God’s Holy Food!”


Question 3: “What! How can we ‘feed’ our soul?”

Answer: “Catholic souls are ‘fed’ by The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! His Body and Blood are ‘food for our souls’.”


Question 4: “Is ‘the pearl of great price’ The Catholic Church Who provides The Holy Food that feeds our soul?”

Answer: “Yes! When our soul has been fed with The Holy Food that is The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, we are holding our soul’s nourishment in our hand and mouth.’


Question 5: “Did Jesus specifically tell everyone how important it is to do what is necessary to receive That Holy Food for our immortal soul?”

Answer: “Jesus repeated His Call to Catholic Communion 12 times in the last half of John 6! He repeated it twice more at The Last Supper! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 6: “Why do Willful Protestants refuse to do what is necessary to receive ‘That Holy Food’?”

Answer: “It is ‘unholy vanity’ that leads all Willful Protestants to the self-serving belief on which all of Willful Protestantism is built: ‘We know more than Jesus Christ about that!‘!

‘unholy vanity’ drives Willful Protestantism to repeat that every time they consider Any Teaching of Jesus with which they disagree.”


Question 7: “Is that belief the cause, or the justification, for disobeying Christ’s call to Catholic Communion?”

Answer: “The ‘unholy vanity’ of ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about that!’ is both the cause and the justification for disobeying Any Teaching of Jesus, including His Church-Creating Word:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


May all be blessed to find and enter the only place on earth where we may find food for our immortal soul. His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is “The pearl of great price.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/

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The best book of the last Century is “The Diary of St. Faustina”. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul. https://www.saint-faustina.org/diary-full-text/
