The Holy Wireless Connector

The Holy Wireless Connector allows human programs to access The Loving Programmer and to become part of The Program. When we imagine a human programmer creating a program, we see that there are three entities involved, Programmer, Program, and the Process by which it is produced.

Traditional Catholic terms describe these Three as Father (The Loving Programmer), Son (The entirety of The Program, Who, in perfect, human, obedient form appeared among us on earth) , and The Holy Spirit (The Holy Wireless Connector, keeping us in touch with Programmer and Programmer while keeping them in contact with us).

When we human programs are operating properly, we have the ability to access the Holy Wireless Connector through internal access ports, which are generally opened by the Sacrament of Confirmation. As soon as we are able to access The Programmer and Program, we are provided with the first two access codes. Medieval scholars called them Wisdom and Knowledge. They help us function better among the programmed entities.

At about the same time, we are given the ability to Discern, to tell good spirits from corrupting viruses. One would think that telling good from evil would be a simple, obvious process. But, it’s not. Just as the viruses that immobilize or destroy our own computers often appear to be harmless, or even, helpful, so do the spiritual viruses that try to destroy each of us.

We can, in fact, get some idea of where we stand in The Program by considering the gifts we want or have. If we are reading or thinking about something like what we’re reading now, we know we’re at the stage of seeking Knowledge and Wisdom. Since we try to tell good from evil, if for no other reason than to avoid being punished by The Programmer, we have gotten to be what we may call “Three Gift People “. “Three Gift People” make some sense out of their own programs, the Creation Program, The Loving Programmer, The Living Program (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Wireless Connector using the Three Gifts they’ve been given of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Discernment.

The Other Gifts

involve more holiness and purity than most of us “Three Gift People” have. Just as the purest gold, silver, or copper wires will transmit more energy with less distortion between earthly entities, so only the purest human spirits are able to transmit actual programming power from The Loving Programmer, or some Holy Being at Programming HQ to other programmed entities.

Today, fewer are aware of what’s involved in the Gift of Speaking in and Interpreting Tongues, but we are aware that Gift necessitates the ability to transmit downloads that must be transferred to different frequencies and wavelengths than usual.

When we consider the Gifts of Prophecy, Faith, Miracle Working, and Healing, we see that ever more powerful transmission capacities are required to make these vastly greater downloads. When we think of the Gift of Prophecy, we may think of any of the prophets, and read how they were given access to downloads that would take place in the future.

The Gift of Faith requires a nearly continual transmission of good information, much like a remote controller on an unmanned drone, to keep the soul heading toward the target represented by the Pearly Gates despite the interference of virus-induced static and error.

The Gift of Miracle Working allows one to request, and obtain, special programming assistance to cause a change in The Creation Program. At first glance, it would seem that few of us are worthy of that ability, much less able to actually perform any “miracles”. Not true. If we do make it into Heaven, we will be able to, like The Judge, access at our soul’s trial all the good and bad things we did. Many of us will find we did both more harm and more good than we realized. The main miracle we’ll be seen to have performed is getting our wretched being to ask for, and obtain, forgiveness. But, there will be lots of miracles we’ve accomplished without knowing it, through the too-few kind words and good deeds we were able to say and do.

Healing is a Gift that requires one to act as a conduit from Programming HQ to the person who needs to have a whole or partial operating system restored. Just as we may call a “help desk” to find out how to restore our computer, those with the Gift of Healing become the living connection between the “help desk” and the person who needs help. Power flows through them to those in need of help.

The spiritual energies that travel through such a human connection require pure transmission capabilities, something most of us would like to provide, but can’t.

As we try to purify our thoughts, words, and deeds, we may become blessed with the ability of transmitting spiritual energies to and from The Loving Programmer, The Program, The Holy Wireless Connector, and their quadrillions of Programming Assistants to help things and people on earth.
