Why sin is being encouraged.

The Culture of Death’s ideal world would be populated by one brain-dead person about to die.

Those who hate life are in favor of birth-control, abortion, and euthanasia.  Their idol is death.  It is empowered by sin.

Godless people and governments want to send themselves into extinction.  Those who believe in God know that sin must be avoided if life is to continue.

Believing that overpopulation is a problem is idol-worship.   It’s a powerful idol, leading many from God.

Thoughts that the world can support many, many, many more billions of people are shocking to life-haters.

Those in the Culture of Death take bribes.  Political leaders took bribes to turn away as Indians were eradicated.  Now, they are taking bribes to stay quiet as some Moslem groups wipe out others.  And,they take bribes, mostly under the heading of “campaign contributions” to not encourage people to think about what happens to unborn babies when they are aborted.

Homosexuality and profligacy are both encouraged.  Neither lead to families.  Independent families are not encouraged.
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Those preparing for the coming genocide of Christians have a growing awareness that The Culture of Death is bribing to keep those who might defend them from doing so.

The Culture of Death works to change societies from those who joyfully bring life into being from those who don’t.  The fewer defenders of life there are, the more death they can inflict.

“More death!  Shorter lifespans!” is the  other side’s battle cry.  Why are they so filled with hate?  They grew up without enough love to inoculate themselves from bitterness.

Today, not many are speaking up for life.  Those who do have a chance of joy, forever.




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