Honor thy father and thy mother.

Honor thy father and thy mother. Violating this Operating Instruction makes us unable to utilize our own programming abilities as well as we otherwise might. If we do not honor the individual programs whose union produced our own, we cannot honor our own, individual program or its abilities. If we dishonor ourselves, our lives cannot help but become a tarnished remnant of what they would have otherwise been.

Our life is the greatest gift we have received. Resenting those who gave it to us quickly turns into resenting ourselves. The other side excels at getting people to blame their problems on their parents. From inventing various kinds of child abuse to focusing on parental shortcomings, parents provide handy excuses for shortcomings and failures.

Those who blame their parents for problems tend not to have children. They know their own resentments of their parents, and cannot escape the trap that their own children will resent them. That gives them an excuse to avoid passing on the gift of life to future generations.

They become bitter, and embrace ever more bitterness. Ultimately, the anger and bitterness of many leftists originate in the ongoing violation of this particular Operating Instruction.
