“How did Don Quixote’s friends try to help him be sane?”

. Why did Don Quixote’s friends burn his books and hide the door to his library?

Question 1: “How did Don Quixote’s friends try to cure him from believing what popular books told him to think?”

Answer: “They put him to bed. While he was sleeping, his priest and his barber went into his library.”


Question 2: “What did they do?”

Answer: “They looked through the popular books he had been reading.”


Question 3: “What did they do with them?”

Answer: “They burned most of them! ‘We can’t let him go on filling his mind with popular delusions. They are driving him crazy!’


Question 4: “I can see how a Catholic priest would have known that most ‘popular books’ are ‘confusing nonsense’. How did a barber know that?”

Answer: “In those days, barbers were the closest thing to medical doctors in many communities. They were the only people with tiny blades of steel sharp enough to cut away infected body parts.”


Question 5: “Did the two local experts in ‘soul’ and ‘body’ come to the same conclusion? ‘We must keep the confusion of popular literature from re-infecting Don Quixote’s mind and soul’.”

Answer: “Yes. They burned most of his popular books. Then, they built a wall over the doorway to the ‘library’ where Don Quixote kept every best-selling book he could find.”


Question 6: “What is the symbolism of hiding the doorway?”

Answer: “Chapter VII of Don Quixote tells us: The priest and barber/doctor knew that Don Quixote had to be kept out of that room! That’s the part of his house, and his brain, where the confusion of popular literature lives.”


Question 7: “Did they burn all of Don Quixote’s books?”

Answer: “Not all books are bad! Some of Don Quixote’s books shared important truths. Most of them were saved.”


Question 8: “Did removing popular books cure ‘The Don Quixote Disorder’?”

Answer: “‘The Don Quixote Disorder’ could not be so easily cured. He still believed: ‘I must do what popular writers and thinkers tell me! It is my highest duty!’


Question 9: “How can ‘The Don Quixote Disorder’ be cured?”

Answer: “His priest and barber knew there is only one cure on earth! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

An odd, free, novel about being Catholic. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Crats-REVISED.12-21-17.pdf
